Endowment 150 Program – Update March 2025

Due to limited funding, the Endowment 150 program is currently paused and we are no longer accepting new applications.

What if I have already submitted an application?

If you have already submitted an Endowment 150 application, your application will be processed as usual. If your application is approved, you should receive a confirmation letter and payment within 4-6 weeks of submitting your application.

What if my application is incomplete?

If submitted applications are incomplete, we will try to contact you by email, phone and mail in that order. If you are not able to provide the missing information within 6 weeks, your application will be cancelled.

Will the Endowment 150 program restart in the future?

We will continue to seek funding to resume the Endowment 150 program in the future. If funding is received and the E150 program is resumed, we will make an announcement. To be notified if the program resumes, please add your name to the E150 notification list: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/863NTKC.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at e150@planinstitute.ca or call 604-439-9566.

About Endowment 150

Endowment 150 offers eligible people with disabilities a one-time grant of $150 to help their Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) grow. This $150 grant, plus grants and bonds available from the Federal Government, will grow and help you save for your future or that of a loved one.


You can apply for the E150 on behalf of a child with a disability (under the age of 18) if:

  1. The child is a BC resident and is 17 years old or younger
  2. You hold an RDSP where the child is the beneficiary
    • The child with a disability must be listed as the RDSP’s beneficiary
    • Find out how to get an RDSP if you don’t already have one
  3. The child has not previously received a $150 Endowment 150 grant from Vancouver Foundation or Plan Institute


Adults aged 18-59 have different eligibility criteria. For details, please see the application form for adults.

Here’s what you’ll need to include with your application to Endowment 150:

  1.  Endowment 150 Child Application Form (Download below)
  2. A copy of a recent RDSP statement, transaction record, or confirmation from the bank where your RDSP is deposited
    • Make sure this includes: the RDSP beneficiary (the child with a disability that the RDSP is intended to support), the RDSP holder (often a parent or guardian), and the RDSP account number
    • “Recent” means dated less than 6 months ago
  3.  If you do not have a copy of a recent RDSP statement or transaction record, have this RDSP Verification form filled out and stamped by your financial institution.

You can now receive the E150 payment via Cheque OR Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)!

If you choose to receive your grant payment by cheque:
Please first confirm that your financial institution allows third-party cheques to be deposited into your RDSP account.

If you choose to receive your grant payment by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT):
You’ll need to submit a void cheque or a Direct Deposit Form with your account details (obtained from your financial institution). Please ensure that your financial institution allows Electronic Fund Transfers to your RDSP account.

Application Form Options:

Please note that the Endowment 150 program is currently paused and we are no longer accepting new applications.


Fill out the form online
Just click the button below and enter your information.


Mail or fax in your application
You can mail or fax in your application form, RDSP statement, Confirmation of Assistance or CRA Notice of Assessment (if applicable) to Plan Institute (see address below). Click on the option below to download and print the PDF.

Plan Institute
217 – 4388 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6
Phone: 604.439.9566
Fax: +1 778-300-2313 (please make sure to add +1 when entering our number on your fax machine)
Email: e150@planinstitute.ca

Please note that we do not have a physical office location and applications cannot be dropped off in person at our mailing address.  Applications need to be submitted by mail, fax or online (email or online application form).


Please note that payments for E150 are processed every 1-2 months, so it may take time for you to receive your payment.


These initiatives are made possible with generous support from the BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and the Vancouver Foundation.

Vancouver foundation logoMinistry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction logo