Reaching First Nation and Aboriginal Communities
By Victor Lethbridge After several years of presenting information about the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) to First Nations and Aboriginal communities, I’ve recognized a few common issues. Despite being around for nearly ten years, almost no one from...
Easier access to Disability Saving Plans for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians
Justice Advanced Education and Skills Finance NL March 20, 2012 Amendment to Act Allows for Easier Access to Disability Saving Plans The Provincial Government has introduced an amendment in the House of Assembly which will enable adults with intellectual...
How Income Tax Provisions on RDSP Income may Affect Canada’s Newest—yet Landless—Band: The Qalipu Mi’kmaq of Newfoundland – by Joel Crocker
When payments are withdrawn from an RDSP, they are considered to contain private contributions, government contributions and investment income in the same proportions as within the RDSP. Two of these, the government contributions and investment income, are taxable upon...