Q & A: What is the Canada Disability Savings Grant and how can I maximize it?
The Canada Disability Savings Grant is a way for the federal government to contribute money to your RDSP. The CDSG is a matched grant of up to 300 percent, so that means that for every $1 put in an...
Reaching First Nation and Aboriginal Communities
By Victor Lethbridge After several years of presenting information about the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) to First Nations and Aboriginal communities, I’ve recognized a few common issues. Despite being around for nearly ten years, almost no one from...
Protecting RDSPs and RESPs from Bankruptcy Seizure—MLA Andrew Weaver
How many of us plan for bankruptcy? Very few. Unfortunately, it happens far too often. When it occurs, individuals inevitably struggle to rebuild their lives in the hope that one day they will become financially stable once more. Registered...