RDSP Resource Centre posts top 10 improvements for the RDSP
While preparing for the federal government RDSP Review currently underway, I have formulated my (first) top 10 list of reforms to improve the Registered Disability Savings Plan to make it more useful for Canadians. Read more.
Treatment of RDSPs by the US Internal Revenue Service
People continue to be concerned about US tax liabilities of US citizens (including accidental US citizens) with RDSPs. The RDSP Resource Centre is calling on the federal government to add the tax treatment of Registered Disability Savings Plan to...
Investors Group now offering Registered Disability Savings Plans
WINNIPEG, Nov. 7, 2011 Program helps Canadians with disabilities and their families build long-term financial security Investors Group today announced that it now offers Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs) to eligible clients. RDSPs are long-term savings plans that help...
RDSPs attractive, but need a few tweaks – Financial Post
Tax-assisted Registered Disability Savings Plans first became available in December 2008 and, with their third year anniversary fast approaching, the government has launched a formal consultation process to solicit the views of stakeholders as to how to improve the...
Sign up for the best government program in Canada – Globe and Mail
Imagine a savings program where the federal government gives a man or woman up to $3 for every $1 contributed by that man or woman – to a lifetime maximum of $70,000. Wouldn’t people flock to that program? Wouldn’t...
A vital lifeline for the disabled – Investment Executive
Although the registered disability savings plan is now three years old, the vast majority of Canadians who are eligible for the program have not made use of it. Joel Crocker, director of planning with the Planned Lifetime Advisory Network,...
Disabled tax breaks a too well-kept secret — Financial Post
Photograph by: Fotolia, Fotolia
Ottawa reviews RDSPs to improve them – Financial Post
The federal government says it will consider changes to the Registered Disability Savings Plan program that has already attracted 48,000 people in its first three years. The plan offers generous funding under the Canada Disability Savings Grants program. Depending...
ENSURING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF REGISTERED DISABILITY SAVINGS PLANS 1. Introduction An important consideration for parents and grandparents of a child with a severe disability is how best to ensure that child’s financial security when they are no longer able...
Government Launches Review of the Registered Disability Savings Plan (News Release 2011-103)
The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, today announced the launch of the Government of Canada’s review of the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP). Minister Flaherty made the announcement this morning at the Association pour l’intégration sociale d’Ottawa. The Government...