What are the different parties saying around the issue of disability during the current federal election campaign? Here’s a brief overview:
Liberal Party
“Among the most sacred of Canadian values is this core belief: the true measure of a country is the way it treats its most vulnerable. Our platform includes: making the Disability Tax Credit refundable, ensuring that low-income individuals who are disabled are able to directly benefit from this tax credit. Changing the CPP disability requirements to ensure that those with episodic illnesses – such as Multiple-sclerosis and some mental illnesses – do not jeopardize their ability to collect CPP or QPP disability benefits if they work when they are able to.”
To read more visit: http://www.liberal.ca/pdf/platform/2008lp_fairer_e.pdf
New Democratic Party
“On December 13 2006, after four years of negotiations, and with the international participation of civil society and NGOs, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the first international covenant on the rights and dignity of people with disabilities. This covenant fills an important gap in international law, by providing universal legally binding standards which create a global framework for inclusion.
Congratulations to the Canadians with disabilities and to Canadian Disabilities groups who have played a leading role in the drafting of this new international covenant on the rights and dignity of people with disabilities! The Convention shall enter into force in March 2007, once twenty countries have ratified it.
Each country which ratifies the Convention accepts its legal obligations under the treaty and must adopt implementing legislation, and report regularly on its progress. We all know that the government of Canada should be the first government to officially endorse the Convention.”
To read more visit: http://www.ndp.ca/page/4702
The Green Party
“The Green Party of Canada believes that it is time to treat Canadians with disabilities with dignity. We endorse the Basic Income Programme proposed by the Caledon Institute, which asserts, when all factors are taken into account, will actually save the government money. We urge the adoption of this income security programme for people with disabilities as soon as possible as an interim measure to a full poverty eradication federal-provincial program is established to provide for income security for all Canadians.”
To read more visit: http://www.greenparty.ca/en/policy/visiongreen/partfour#_Toc180047640
Conservative Party
“Today, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that a re-elected Conservative Government will introduce important financial changes to benefit families that care for family members with disabilities. We will:
Allow families to split their income between spouses to reduce their taxes in situations where one spouse is not working full-time in order to care for one or more family members with disabilities – whether children or adults.
Improve the Registered Disability Savings Program by making it easier for a person with disabilities to access money that has been transferred from the unused retirement savings of a deceased family member”.
To read more visit: http://www.conservative.ca/EN/1091/105904